| Our EXTENSIVE stock library covers lifestyles (particularly senior, being based in Florida) International travel, Florida scenics, healthcare, architecture, and local arts, entertainment & history. Most is 6x7cm and 35mm high quality transparency although we are always growing our digital files. We hope to have a great selection online in the near future! Call with your inquiry: 800-226-4004 We have an online Gallery of Sarasota Stock with the link at the bottom of this page. Pushing F11 gives you full frame when viewing in Internet Explorer. . In 2008, we entered the world of Infrared Digital Capture. It produces imagery that simply CANNOT be duplicated with any filtration or digital enhancements through photoshop. It can be a great asset in your company's image bank. Here are a couple of examples. The first snowfall of the season in Central Park. Our composite images are great for stock options as well. We have many subject in horizontal and vertical formats. We offer great rights of usage packages starting at only $25! Business themes are always in fashion.
Many times, an assignment can bring THE EXACT IMAGE you desire at a price similar to stock...let us give you a quote. click here to view> SRQ Stock updated March 06 |