with Gary W. Sweetman Q.Th, FDPE, FSA, CPP For more than 40 years, Gary's passion has been travel: becoming a World Citizen and engendering that stewarship to his daugters. From a Baltic Crystal Cruise to the Sahara, learning the finer points of photography and lighting with Gary will change your perspective forever. And now, Gary is an OFFICIAL representative for Overseas Adventure Travel, (a division of Grand Circle) Mention my member/leader number and save $100 (per person) off you next trip. The photo above was taken in Tibet at a Monks "debating courtyard" Drop us a line or call 941-748-4004 to see what's cookin' next! Gary's Spring Break trip to Jordan was terrific. Walking the Siq in Petra and then the long hike to the Dier (Monastery) was amazing. Gate 1 travelers can click the link to the left to get a printable 8x10 of our group.
Amr El Helly, Egyptologist, with Gary's intrepid group at Giza, Egypt.
The Treasury at Petra, in infrared. England, a bit more tame than Jordan and every bit as interesting.
And closer to home: Want to learn how to do this? |